March 28, 2023

Spring is here and it’s the perfect time to start thinking about all the plants you want to grow as the weather gets warmer. Strawberries are a delicious and beautiful choice, not to mention convenient! They are easy to grow in containers, meaning you can grow them on patios or even indoors. If you are looking to plant strawberries in your very own containers, here are some basic steps to get you started.


1. Choose a Container

The first step in planting your strawberries is to pick the right container to hold them. Strawberries are shallow-rooted plants, so you don’t need a deep planter. If you want to maximize your space, getting a wider planter will allow you to plant more plants in one container. Small containers dry out the soil faster as well, so getting a bigger container will allow the soil to stay damp. Getting light colored, synthetic pots like plastic containers are good to keep the plants cool and damp. Make sure the container you use has drainage holes. While you don’t want the soil to dry out, you also don’t want the soil to be overwatered. Drainage allows the soil to stay damp.


2. Plant Strawberry Starters

Once you get your containers, you’ll want to get your soil. Use a loose, well-draining soil that holds moisture but quickly drains any excess water. After you get the soil you’ll be ready to plant. Place the plant so the crown (the place where the stem meets the roots) are just above the soil surface. Make a small mound in the soil, spread the roots over the mound, and cover the roots up to the crown with potting mix. You can also add mulch to the top. Using straw or wood chips as a top mulch layer to help keep the fruit clean and the soil damp. Make sure the foliage is not buried in the mulch.


3. Set Container

You’ll want to place the plant in a spot that gets lots of sunlight. Strawberries needs at least six hours or more of sunshine daily. You should rotate the pot every two to three days, so the plant gets even exposure on all sides.


4. Snip Runners

Most strawberry plants grow runner plants. They can be used to grow new strawberry plants. However, if they are left on your plant, they can drain productive capacity of your plants. Snipping the runners as soon as you notice them will allow the plant to devote their energy to making fruit.


5. Water and Fertilize the Plant

Make sure to keep the soil damp. Once a day, test the soil with your finder by sticking it into the soil up to the first knuckle. If it feels dry, water it. Make sure to water near the bottom of the plant, as watering the leaves could encourage fungus to grow. During the hot summer months, it might be best to lightly water the plant twice a day.

You can also use a balanced fertilizer to help feed the plant. Make sure to fertilize your plant in the fall as well, as the plants will begin forming perennating buds within the crown that will become next year’s fruit.


6. Provide Protection from Pests and Weather

Once your plant starts growing strawberries you’ll need to protect them. Diseases, pests, birds, and weather can all harm your plant. Keep mulch or straw under the strawberries to elevate them from the ground. This will protect them from rotting and diseases. Use insecticides or fungicide to prevent insects and fungus from harming your plant. If your planters are outside, put a netting around the plant will help protect them from birds who may be looking to snack on your fruit.

When the weather gets colder, you’ll want to insulate your planters if the temperature drops too low. You can bring them inside an unheated garage to protect them during the winter months. On the other side, when the weather get too hot you can spray the outside of the planter to keep the plant cool, as the water will take the heat when it evaporates.


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